Well........I have been tagged twice now. First by fellow Ehag artist Kim of Kimhardtoriginals and second by my fearless Pfatt Leader Christy of Ccswhimsies...........so I guess that means that I better get this over with! LOL
5 Random Facts about myself...............
1. I played the snare drum in my high school band.
2. I was married at the age of 17.
3. I will be celebrating my 31st wedding anniversary on New Year's Day. What a big mistake that was, picking that date to get married! I bet you can guess what my hubby does all day long........every year.......on our anniversary? Can we say FOOTBALL? And I get to fix sauerkraut and pork with mashed potatoes................LOL!
4. My mom married a man who came from a family with 3 sons. I married a man that came from a family with 3 sons. My daughter "almost" married a man that came from a family with 3 sons.....lol
5. I have never been on an airplane my entire life...............but that is about to change come this April, when I will fly to California from Ohio with some very dear friends of mine. Then, we will meet up with some more dear friends from my Ebay group Pfatt to have what we call a Pfatt Fest! It will be our third one. I can't wait to meet some of my fellow sisters who I only know from chatting with on the internet. We are going to have THE best time of our lives! I'm counting the days!!!!!!!!! =o)
Now I need to tag 5 friends................
http://www.kingfisherfarmteddies.blogspot.com/Here are the rules:
1. Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog.
2. Share 5 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 5 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.